Capcom has confirmed that the publisher plans to revive more old, dormant video game franchises after recently announcing a new Okami and Onimusha. That sound you just heard was thousands of Dino Crisis fans around the world gasping at once.
On December 12, during this year’s not-too-bad Game Awards, Capcom announced Onimusha Way of the Sword and revealed that an Okami sequel was in the very early stages of development. Both reveals were big surprises. Capcom hasn’t published a new Okami game since that weird DS spin-off, Okamiden, in 2010. Meanwhile, it’s been almost 20 years since the last proper new action-adventure Onimusha. That last release was 2006's Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams on PS2. So seeing both franchises get new sequels announced in 2024 was unanticipated, to say the least. And Capcom isn’t done bringing back old franchises.
Over the weekend, shortly after the Game Awards, Capcom put out a corporate press release reconfirming its plans to revive Onimusha and Okami. In that press release, the publisher behind Monster Hunter and Resident Evil also explained that it wants to create new installments in other, non-specified “dormant” video game franchises.
“In addition to regularly releasing major new titles each year, Capcom is focusing on re-activating dormant IPs that haven’t had a new title launch recently,” said Capcom in the December 13 press release.
“[Capcom] is working to further enhance corporate value by leveraging its rich library of content, which includes reviving past IPs like the two titles announced [recently], in order to continuously produce highly efficient, high-quality titles.”
Does that mean Capcom is finally bringing back Dino Crisis? Well, maybe?! It certainly seems more possible now than it has in a long time, especially if the new Onimusha does well and shows the publisher that there’s a demand for new entries from old, forgotten IP. Some evidence has pointed toward Capcom at least being at least open to making a new Dino Crisis. So while we don’t have any specific announcements yet, I think the possibility of a new Dino Crisis is more likely now than ever before. That’s something, right?